Last week, Urban Pathways welcomed volunteers from Goldman Sachs & Co.’s Community TeamWorks program to our residence at 162nd Street in the Bronx.

The Goldman Sachs volunteer team worked one-on-one with Urban Pathways’ residents and Career Enhancement Program participants who have completed occupational coursework and are preparing to seek employment.

Volunteers partnered with the Urban Pathways Career Enhancement team, facilitating workshops in digital literacy, resume building, money management, and interviewing. Goldman Sachs’ volunteers had the opportunity to tour our newest Bronx residence, meeting residents and program staff.

Program participants were excited to learn valuable job search skills from the Goldman Sachs volunteer team. These skills will benefit participants as they enter the job market.

“I thank Urban Pathways and Goldman Sachs for taking the time to help people like me that are trying to get back into the job market. These sessions gave me confidence in my job search and interview process.”  – Nelson, program participant

We thank Goldman Sachs for their participation and generous support. For more information about Urban Pathways’ Career Days and other organizational volunteer events, please email