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Get InvolvedWork with us to make a difference in someone's day –
or their life.

From corporate volunteering to advocacy, to our annual gala, we have opportunities for everyone.

Urban Pathways career specialist shaking resident's hand

VolunteeringCorporate Partnerships

Urban Pathways welcomes teams of volunteers to get involved at any of our program sites. Groups are welcome to serve meals, pack bags, offer workshops, perform outdoor beautification work, and more. Volunteering with Urban Pathways is a great opportunity for team-building, community service, and to make a positive impact.

Whether you spend a few hours with us or the whole day, your work will make a tangible difference in the lives of the people we serve.

Learn more about partnering with us
your impact

JOIN OUR ADVOCACYFight for What's Right

At Urban Pathways, we believe that improving the systems that impact our services, the people we serve, and our staff is a critical component of our work. In addition to our services, we advocate for policies to destigmatize people experiencing homelessness and those affected by mental health conditions, increase access to housing and supportive services, and ensure a thriving human services workforce.

See our Advocacy

The Urban Pathways Annual Gala

Every year, more than 300 leaders from our community come together to celebrate and support Urban Pathways’ mission, and the successes of the people we serve. The funds raised at our annual Light the Path Gala help ensure that Urban Pathways has necessary resources to help combat homelessness in New York City.

Learn More

Your contribution makes a difference.

It’s through the generosity of our supporters that we’re able to continue combatting homelessness year after year. Making a donation today, no matter the size, ensures our ability to provide the people we serve with housing and support on their paths to stability.

See All Ways to Donate

We Accept

  • Online Donations
  • Monthly Donations
  • By Check
  • In Kind
  • Gifts of Stock
  • Employer Matches
  • Bequests
  • Wire Transfer