Program Director for The Residences at Hallet’s Cove, Pierina gives an update on how her team and residents are dealing with the coronavirus pandemic.

“Since the lockdown due to COVID-19, daily life has changed for the 48 residents at Hallet’s Cove.”

“Staff have communicated new restrictions to residents. In accordance to social distancing recommendations, the building has been closed to non-essential visitors.“ For everyone’s safety we have cancelled all groups and closed off the community room” said Pierina.  Our case managers keep in contact with residents via phone and our maintenance team is constantly cleaning and wiping down the common areas of the building. Staff wear gloves but do not regularly wear masks because they are in short supply. The staff do wear masks when they are visiting our most vulnerable clients to reduce the risk of spreading the virus.

We are continuing to educate residents on CDC guidelines regarding the precautions they can take to keep themselves healthy and safe. We post a daily bulletin throughout the building that provides on-going advice about health and safety precautions.  ‘We also discourage our residents from congregating in the lobby or visiting each other,” advised Pierina.

It’s heartwarming to see that our residents themselves have taken extra preventative measures, and they are looking out for one another while still adhering to CDC guidelines. One resident has gone shopping for groceries for a few of his neighbors so that they stay isolated within their apartments.

“We have also had donations from supporters in the community. Sunnyside Shines donated specialty soaps for our residents and one of our neighborhood volunteers, Stephanie, bought pizzas for the residents and staff for dinner one evening” said Pierina.

“We are continuing to reassure clients that we are all in this together – the coronavirus pandemic is a global problem.  It is an adjustment for everyone, especially our residents. Changes in routine can cause our residents to become anxious. We are here to support them, now more than ever.”