Groundbreaking ProgramsRapid Rehousing
Rapid Rehousing is an intervention strategy aimed at quickly moving individuals experiencing homelessness into permanent housing. It provides short- to medium-term rental assistance, along with supportive services, to help people re-establish stability from their own home and prevent future homelessness.
The key components of rapid rehousing typically include:
- Housing Identification: Rapidly identifying and securing suitable housing options in the private rental market, often with the assistance of case managers or housing specialists.
- Financial Assistance: Providing short-term rental assistance that helps people afford housing costs while they work to stabilize their income.
- Case Management and Support Services: Offering case management services to address the unique needs of each person, such as employment assistance, access to healthcare, budgeting skills, and connections to community resources.
- Housing Stability: Emphasizing the importance of helping people maintain housing stability beyond the initial rental assistance period. This may involve ongoing support and follow-up services to address any challenges that arise, helping to prevent a return to homelessness.
In 2024, Urban Pathways launched Key to Home, an innovative, HUD-funded Rapid Rehousing program that will help 30 unsheltered people move immediately into housing. The program provides access to private apartments for participants, avoiding lengthy stays in transitional placements during the application process. Residents will also receive ongoing case management and be linked to community resources that empower and enable them to achieve long-term housing stability. Long-term housing subsidization for participants will help ensure affordability long after the initial Rapid Rehousing assistance expires, creating lasting housing stability.